T-Shirt Painting

411 411 people viewed this event.

  • This is a team event and each team must comprise two participants.
  • Only plain white T-shirts with a minimum of ‘M’ size are allowed.
  • Participants shall bring their own materials like t-shirt, fabric or acrylic paints, glitters, brushes, mixing plate, pencil, pen, and eraser.Spray paint is restricted
  • Use of any other materials or ready-made stickers is strictly prohibited.
  •  Participants shall not be allowed to use any photographs for reference.
  • Mobile phones or any other electronic devices shall not be allowed during the
  • competition.
  • Any sort of tracing or copying is not allowed
  • The art work should be relevant to the theme, which will be given on the spot.
  • Duration of the competition shall be of 2 hours.
  • The decision of the judges will be conclusive and binding.
  • Judgment will be based on: Creativity, Flow of Design, Visual Impact, Color Scheme, Quality of Application, Effective conveying of the theme.
  • Participants are required to bring their own materials including plain white T-shirts, required for the competition.
  • The time duration for the activity is set at 1 hour.
  • Please bring a cardboard to pin the tshirt to, during the competition hours.

To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://tarang.progressivetechies.org →


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